Monday, December 28, 2009

Celtic Twist

This table topper I made is called "Celtic Twist" that I made for my niece and her husband for Christmas.... I got this pattern out of  McCall's Quilt  book that I recieve every other month.... They are Irish and I  pull the color's from their livingroom... The materials are batiks.... They were thrilled to recieve it... The second picture is the label I had put on it.... :)

1 comment:

Susan In Texas said...

Wow! You have been blogging a lot! I was several posts behind. I love the thread catchers you made for your friends. I made one for my secret pal this year (so I couldn't blog about it); but mine wasn't personalized. I really like the Wisconsin graphic. Also, your celtic quilt is just gorgeous. Are the knots appliqued? That must have taken a really long time.

Happy New Year!